AP CSP Lessons

Welcome to Firia Labs' dedicated page for AP CSP drop-in lessons, designed to enrich and complement the CodeX curriculum. Dive into a curated collection of supplementary resources and coding topics crafted to enhance student learning and support educators in delivering comprehensive AP Computer Science Principles instruction.

Defining Functions

Design Process and Flowcharts

Flowcharts to Code

Answers - Flowcharts

  • flow-chart-answers
  • Functions and Global Variables

    Answers - Functions and Global Variables

  • functions-and-global-variables-answers
  • Functions, Parameters, and Local Variables

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Answers - Functions and Local Variables

    List Practice

    List Practice #1

    List Practice #2

    Traversing a List Assignment

    Traversing a List Program

    Answers - Lists

    Types of Division

    CodeX Missions - Code Solutions