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Lift-Off Kit Peripherals


Mission: 2
A standard momentary push button, used in applications for input.


Mission: 2, 6
Locks into place when pressed; generally used to apply power or change a setting.

Red (and White) LEDs

Mission: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7
Light emitting diode. Outputs red (or white) light.


Mission: 3
Often referred to as a knob; can be physically turned for variable input.

Motion Sensor

Mission: 3
A PIR sensor, used for motion lights and alarms.


Mission: 4, 8
A simple form of a button; can be used as a crash sensor or to detect touch.

Temperature Sensor

Mission: 5
Can read a raw value of a temperature.

Sound Sensor

Mission: 5
Is sensitive to sound intensity; can be used to detect noises.

360 (Continuous) Servo

Mission: 6
This servo rotates 360 degrees and can operate continuously.

Light Sensor

Mission: 7
The photocell measures ambient light; used for solar monitoring & light dimming

Object Sensor

Mission: 8
It contains an LED that emits IR light and a phototransistor that detects IR light from nearby objects.

8 RGB LED Ring

Mission: 4, 8
Also called a NeoPixel ring. Pixels can be illuminated in any color individually.

180 (Positional) Servo

Mission: 7, 8
This servo rotates forward or backward 180 degrees and can hold its position.

3V Relay

Mission: 9
Can be used to switch larger power and voltages to devices.

Soil Moisture Sensor

Mission: 9
Detects the amount of moisture present in the soil surrounding it.

Water Pump

Mission: 9
A small water pump designed for submersible operations.


Mission: 3, 5, 7, 9
A circuit that cuts the voltage from analog sensors in half so you can get the full range of the sensor.

Mini Breadboard

Mission: 10
A small grid that allows users to connect electronic components to build and test circuits.

100-Ohm Resistor

Mission: 10
A resistor that provides the exact resistance necessary for circuits to work smoothly.

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Mission: 10
A sensor used for detecting the distance to an object using sonar.