CodeSpace: Online Learning Platform

Firia Lab's CodeSpace onling learning platform makes learning to code easy, fun, and interactive.

  • Text editor based off of VS Code
  • Web-based Python editor – no software to install!
  • Learn, develop an debug in browser
  • Chromebook compatible
  • Interactive textbook with step-by-step instructions
  • Self-guided projects offer help with CodeTrek, hints & documentation
  • Scaffolded for student success, with detailed explanations
  • Built-in teacher dashboard for setting up and managing classes
  • Easily track student progress
  • Each objective must be completed before the next objective is unlocked

CodeSpace Instructions

Teacher Dashboard

If you're a CodeSpace Teacher, you can monitor student progress in our Teacher Dashboard!

To set up your classroom:

  1. Login to CodeSpace at (opens in a new tab) using the google account you use as a Teacher.
  2. Select Class Dashboard from the Help menu.

  1. Once on, click the + button in the Green Bar, Top Right to add a New Class.

  1. Assign each class a name and pick which curriculum you want to progress monitor.

  1. Once created, you can Edit the classroom, get a new Join Code, and Disable joining.

  1. In each class, you can delete a student using the remove function.
  2. After you’ve set up your classes, Students go to (opens in a new tab), and Login by clicking the button on the bottom left of the page:
  3. Next, the student can click on the Select Class button on the top left:
  4. A pop-up will show all the classes the student is in. The student can click the JOIN CLASS button in the top right corner of the pop-up to enter your Classroom Join Code.

  5. When the student enters the Join Code, that class should automatically be activated and the student can start working.

Google Classroom

  1. Go to (opens in a new tab) and login.
  2. Either create a new class or find the name of the class that you want to link to CodeSpace. To create a new class, find the + sign in the top right corner of the page.
  1. Now that you have your class created, go to (opens in a new tab) and log in. On the top right hand side of the page in the green bar, click + to add a class.
  1. Name your class, select your product, and choose Google Classroom in the LMS pulldown menu.
  2. Next, find the name of your class in the Google Classroom LMS pulldown list, click to select, and click Create Class. Click the green "Authorize" button if required. Once authorized your class will show in the "Google Class" pulldown.
  1. Now that your class is linked, click on the name of your class in the Teacher Dashboard and look at the right-hand side of the screen. Click the button that says “EXPORT CODESPACE ASSIGNMENTS TO LMS.” A pop-up will appear; then click Generate Assignments. Note: If there are assignments that you do not want to link, unclick them before generating.
  1. Click “Close” on the pop-up window. Now the generated assignments will appear in Google Classroom under Classwork.
  2. You will need to click into each assignment, and “Edit assignment” to provide instructions to your students and to set a due date in Google Classroom. Fill out all necessary information in Google Classroom and click “Assign” in the top right corner. Now, your students will see the assignment that you have posted.

Debugger Instructions

Target Device Connections

CodeSpace: Tools Overview

CodeSpace Tools encourage students to be self-sufficient!

Teachers make sure to encourage your students to use all the goodness that CodeSpace has to offer:

  • CodeTrek
  • Hints
  • Toolbox
  • Debugger
  • Sandbox


Check out the CodeTrek!

The CodeTrek is a CodeSpace tool that gives you:

  • A starting point for your program
  • Detailed information about lines of code you need to write
  • Explanations of coding topics
  • Holes (TODOs) for you to fill in on your own!


Don't forget to check the Hints!

CodeSpace provides helpful hints to guide students with extra help and to extend their understanding of complex concepts.


Your coding Toolbox!

As you work through each mission you will be adding concepts to your toolbox.

  • It's an important reference you will need in later missions
  • And when you are coding and debugging your own remixes.


Debugger to the Rescue!

The CodeSpace debugger lets you step your program one line at a time, at your own speed, so you can understand exactly what the computer is doing and debug your code. Stepping is a very powerful tool for debugging your code. Be sure to use it whenever you need to understand more clearly what the code is doing.


Need to write your own Program?

Use the Sandbox to code your remixes. Anytime you are not working in the curriculum, you can use the Sandbox tool to create a new program.

CodeSpace: Videos