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CodeX Elementary Curriculum Guide (4th-6th Grade)

Students learn the most when they are engaged in project-based hands-on physical computing. With CodeX and the CodeSpace editor, watch students step up to computer science with real-world Python code! Use our authentic and motivating curriculum with our powerful and fun physical device to ignite in students an enduring passion for creating and kindle their creativity, critical thinking and a genuine love for coding and robotics.

Unit 1: Missions 0-5 | 7½-9 hours

Students will learn the basics of programming in Python. Students start by creating an account and becoming familiar with CodeSpace. Then they learn about CodeX. Students start programming in Mission 3 and learn how to control the LED pixel lights. Then they learn how to turn on and off the pixel LEDs, display an image, and play audio files. Each programming mission is followed by a remix option for students to create their own programs using the skills and concepts taught in the missions.

Unit 1: Missions 0-5 PacingTitleTime
Mission 0Getting Started10-20 minutes
Mission 1Welcome30-40 minutes
Mission 2Introducing CodeX30-40 minutes
Mission 3Light Show45 minutes
Remix 3Original Program90 minutes
Mission 4Display Games90 minutes
Remix 4Original Program60-90 minutes
Mission 5Micro Musician30-45 minutes
Remix 5Original Program60-90 minutes

Unit 2: Missions 6-8 | 6-9 hours

Students continue their programming journey by using buttons as input and using loops to repeat code. They learn more about conditions and ways to stop a loop, including a break statement. Students learn about lists and how to use them in interesting programs to customize a billboard and answer bot. Each programming mission is followed by a remix option for students to create their own programs using the skills and concepts taught in the missions.

Unit 2: Missions 6-8 PacingTitleTime
Mission 6Heartbeat60-90 minutes
Remix 6Original Program60-90 minutes
Mission 7Personal Billboard60-90 minutes
Remix 7Original Program60-90 minutes
Mission 8Answer Bot45-60 minutes
OptionalAdding JPG Images30-60 minutes
Remix 8Original Program60-90 minutes

Unit 3: Missions 9-12 | 6-9 hours

Students programming skills improve with creating and using functions, parameters, arguments and local variables. They also learn about some of CodeX’s built-in features and sensors, which allows additional input and output capabilities. They use the internal clock library, the accelerometer and the light sensor.

Unit 3: Missions 9-12 PacingTitleTime
Mission 9Game Spinner60-90 minutes
Remix 9Original Program60-90 minutes
Mission 10Reaction Tester45-60 minutes
Remix 10Original Program45-60 minutes
Mission 11Spirit Level45-60 minutes
Remix 11Original Program45-60 minutes
Mission 12Night Light45-60 minutes
Remix 12Original Program45-60 minutes