''' Day 4 Remix for Math By Felix User must manually input point1 and point2 in the code (lines 24 & 25) Then run the program to see the line ''' from codex import * CENTER = 120 # Manipulates points to fit on the CodeX screen def convert_point(point): new_point = (point[0] + 120, (-point[1]) + 120) return new_point # Y-axis display.draw_line(CENTER, 0, CENTER, 239, WHITE) # X-axis display.draw_line(0, CENTER, 239, CENTER, WHITE) # Two endpoints of the line (x, y) point1 = (-100, -200) point2 = (200, 110) point1 = convert_point(point1) point2 = convert_point(point2) # Draw the line display.draw_line(point1[0], point1[1], point2[0], point2[1], YELLOW)