''' Mission 7 - Personal Billboard Mild Remix 1B There is no scrolling during this program - each button assigns a value to choice. ''' from codex import * from time import sleep choice = 0 my_list = ["School colors: Blue & Gold", BLUE, YELLOW, pics.TARGET, pics.TIARA, "School mascot: Bears"] # MAIN PROGRAM while True: # display item my_image = my_list[choice] if type(my_image) == tuple: display.fill(my_image) else: display.show(my_image) # each button press assigns a value to choice # (no scrolling) if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_L): choice = 1 if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_R): choice = 2 if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_D): choice = 3 if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_U): choice = 0 if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_A): choice = 4 if buttons.was_pressed(BTN_B): choice = 5