Getting Started with CodeSpace

Welcome to the world of CodeX, CodeBot, CodeAIR, Lift-Off, & Virtual Robotics!

If you are a teacher or individual user looking to claim your licenses, create a classroom, add students to the system, or simply log in you can watch these simple videos or follow the steps below.

To get started, you can choose between two formats: written or video instructions. You'll find the written directions immediately below. For those that prefer video tutorials, please scroll down to the bottom, where you'll see "Getting started for the License Holder or Teacher (Video Instructions)".

Getting started for the License Holder or Teacher (Written Instructions)

Step 1. Claim your License

A. Locate your email titled "CodeSpace Claim Code - Firia Labs" from This was sent on the date of purchase.

B. Log into the License Portal (opens in a new tab) and click the CLAIM LICENSE button.

C. You have two options here:

  • If you are using the same email that the order was placed with, you'll see a message that says you have an order associated with your email. Click SHOW ORDERS.
  • Copy & Paste the Claim code from your email in the 'Find Order By Claim Code'. Then click SUBMIT CLAIM CODE.

D. Select the license you want to claim and click the CLAIM LICENSES button.

E. Activate your license! Keep in mind that clicking on the ACTIVATE button begins its countdown to expiration. Additionally, activation is required to set up your classroom in the Teacher Dashboard.

Step 2. Create a Classroom

A. Once your license is activated, proceed to the Teacher Dashboard (opens in a new tab). The list will be blank if you have not created any classrooms yet.

B. Click on the Add Classroom button in the top right corner of the table. It looks like this:

C. Provide a Class Name and select a Product for your classroom. To enable students to join your classroom using a Join Code, ensure the corresponding option is selected. For adding students manually through their email addresses, deselect this option. If you're using Google Classroom as your Learning Management System (LMS), this is the step where you connect it.

Step 3. Adding Students to a Classroom

As a teacher you can add students to your class two different ways:

A. If you selected Allow Members To Join With Join Code when you created your class now you can share that code with your students.

  1. The join code is listed in your table of classrooms here:
  2. The student can join the class by first heading to CodeSpace (opens in a new tab).
  3. Then the student must Log in to the site by clicking the Login button on the left. It looks like this:
  4. Next the student can click on the Select Class button on the left. It looks like this:
  5. A pop-up will show all the classes the student is in. The student can click the JOIN CLASS button in the top right corner of the pop-up to enter your classroom Join Code.
  6. When the student enters the Join Code that class should automatically be activated and the student can start working!

B. Alternatively, you can manually add students to your class. You will start at the Teacher Dashboard (opens in a new tab).

  1. Click on the Class that you want to add students to. You will click right on the row for the class. This will bring up a new table that lists all of your students.
  2. Click on the "plus" button in the table header. It is the same button you used to create a new classroom. It looks like this:
  3. Select Member for the "Role" and type in the user's email address. This can be done even before a student has a Firia Labs account.
  4. Now click the ADD MEMBER button. The pop-up will close and the member should now show up in the list of users.

Logging in for the Student (Written Instructions)

Step 1. Log in to CodeSpace

A. Proceed to CodeSpace (opens in a new tab).

B. Log in with your user account (or create an account if you do not have one yet) by clicking the Login button in the lower left corner of the screen. Be sure to use the same email address to log in as the teacher used to add you to the class. The Login button looks like this:

C. After you are logged in, the icon in the lower left will change to indicate success.

Step 2. Activate a Mission Pack

A. Once you are logged into CodeSpace (opens in a new tab), you can activate a mission pack.
B. You will click on the Select Class button on the left-hand side of the screen. It looks like this:

C. A pop-up will appear showing all of the mission packs that your account has access to. Click on the green arrow of the correct class and it will automatically activate your class.

D. If your mission pack is not there and you were given a Join Code by your teacher you can click the JOIN CLASS button at the top right corner of the pop-up. This will automatically activate that class for you. E. Now you can get started coding!

Getting started for the License Holder or Teacher (Video)

This video covers creating accounts, activating licenses, and building classrooms. This video is from the teacher’s perspective but can also be useful for an individual user looking to claim their license.

Logging in for the Student (Video)

This video shows the steps for a student or individual user to join a class and access the site content.